Metalheads, maak je borst maar nat! Disturbed viert 25 jaar ‘The Sickness’ en gooit er nog een greatest hits-set bovenop. Twee loeiharde sets op één legendarische avond. Een must voor elke metalfan!
25 jaar geleden loste Disturbed hun legendarische album ‘The Sickness’. Een iconische verjaardag! Daarom brengt de band met ‘The Sickness 25th Anniversary Tour’ het album integraal naar Vorst Nationaal op woensdag 15 oktober. Als kers op de verjaardagstaart trakteren ze op hun greatest hits. Twee krachtige sets, één onvergetelijke show. Voor deze speciale gelegenheid brengen ze Megadeth mee als special guest.
De Amerikaanse metalband Disturbed is sinds hun doorbraak begin 2000 uitgegroeid tot een van de grootste en meest invloedrijke namen in de moderne metal. Met een krachtige mix van zware riffs, strakke ritmes en de onmiskenbare stem van frontman David Draiman veroverde de band de wereld, goed voor meer dan 17 miljoen albums en 14 miljard streams. Samen met Metallica behoren ze tot de weinige rockbands met vijf opeenvolgende #1-albums in de Billboard Top 200. Met anthems als 'Down with the Sickness', 'Stricken', 'Inside the Fire' en hun iconische cover van 'The Sound of Silence' – goed voor een GRAMMY-nominatie – drukte Disturbed blijvend zijn stempel op de metalwereld. Ter ere van het 25-jarig jubileum van hun legendarische, vijfvoudig platinum debuutalbum ‘The Sickness’ trekt Disturbed door Europa met een bijzondere tour. Elke show bestaat uit twee sets: eerst brengt de band het album 'The Sickness' integraal, gevolgd door een tweede set vol greatest hits. Een nu al onvergetelijke show!
Aan de kassa betaal je 2 euro extra servicekosten. Organisator: Live Nation
Fan Experience
wo 15.10.2025 17:30
€ 608,35
"Voices" Meet & Greet Experience - Zittend
One general admission ticket to the floor
Official meet & greet with the members of Disturbed
One professional photo with Disturbed band members*
Access to a dedicated fan zone with a tour merchandise stand nearby, concessions stand with bar, and Disturbed memorabilia display including select items available for purchase
One signed Enhanced Experience-exclusive Disturbed merchandise gift item
One commemorative Enhanced Experience laminate & lanyard
On-site benefits including priority check-in, dedicated road crew, and a VIP lane into the venue
*One per transaction
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Disturbed packages, please reach out to
One premium reserved seat in the best available sections with a great view of the stage
Official meet & greet with the members of Disturbed
One professional photo with Disturbed band members*
Access to a dedicated fan zone with a tour merchandise stand nearby, concessions stand with bar, and Disturbed memorabilia display including select items available for purchase
One signed Enhanced Experience-exclusive Disturbed merchandise gift item
One commemorative Enhanced Experience laminate & lanyard
On-site benefits including priority check-in, dedicated road crew, and a VIP lane into the venue
*One per transaction
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Disturbed packages, please reach out to
Exclusive Access to purchase Megadeth Memorabilia including Autographed Rarities and Stage items
Commemorative VIP Laminate and Lanyard
Limited Availability
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Megadeth packages, please reach out to
Exclusive Access to purchase Megadeth Memorabilia including Autographed Rarities and Stage items
Commemorative VIP Laminate and Lanyard
Limited Availability
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Megadeth packages, please reach out to
One general admission ticket with early entry to the floor
Access to a dedicated fan zone with a tour merchandise stand nearby, concessions stand with bar, and Disturbed memorabilia display including select items available for purchase
One Enhanced Experience-exclusive Disturbed merchandise gift item
One commemorative Enhanced Experience laminate & lanyard
On-site benefits including priority check-in, dedicated road crew, and an exclusive lane into the venue
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Disturbed packages, please reach out to
One premium reserved seat in the best available sections with a great view of the stage
One Enhanced Experience-exclusive Disturbed merchandise gift item
One commemorative Enhanced Experience laminate & lanyard
On-site benefits including priority check-in, dedicated road crew, and an exclusive lane into the venue
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Disturbed packages, please reach out to
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Megadeth packages, please reach out to
NO REFUNDS will be given under any circumstances except in the case of show or package cancellation. NO NAME CHANGES will be permitted under any circumstances. You will need to bring a photo ID on show day to collect the contents of your package. You will be contacted in the week prior to show date with detailed collection instructions.
If you have a question related to the Megadeth packages, please reach out to